Wednesday, October 9, 2013

{31 Days To organize the "hidden" areas of your home} Day 9~ Lights, Camera, Action...Dvd storage

 We have several members of the family, who shall remain nameless, that love to "collect" dvd's. We are in the process of refinishing another cabinet to put this lovely collection in but until that is finished we needed something to keep this mess a bit straighter. We found these baskets at Michael's and they are the perfect size. We have them sorted into genre so they are easy to find. (I would have alphabetized them but that was too OCD for some of us) I will be happier when we get the new cabinet finished and I don't have to see any of it but this works in the mean time. We still have some VHS tapes that we are unwilling to part with and those are stored in an antique icebox. 


Unknown said...

The best thing about having attractive temporary storage solutions is that there is no rush to get the permanent storage done. This is also the worst thing about attractive temporary storage solutions! haha
Seriously, though, I like the baskets. You'll find plenty of uses for them after the dvds move out!

Jodi-Marie said...

Yes- Right now I am in no rush to get the permanent storage done. I am just about organized out for this year! lol! I will always find a use for baskets- I can never have enough of them it seems.