Thursday, October 24, 2013

{31 Days To organize the "hidden" areas of your home} Day 24~ The Dreaded Dresser Drawers

One of the easiest "hidden" places to turn into chaos can be those dreaded dresser drawers......dum di dum dum dahh.
I tend to take after my OCD Grandmother when it comes to dresser drawers. Grammy's famous saying was "If I ever go blind I will know exactly which shirt is where in the drawer!" (how can you argue with Italian logic?) Anyway, I took a page out of her book on this and found that it is easier to find things if they are always put back in the same order. Once a year I take everything out and wipe out the drawers. Get rid of items I no longer need or want to wear and put everything back. I like to fold all of my shirts, that I don't hang in a closet, the same way so they all fit nicely. I also stack the items in each drawer by shade and from light to dark. ( I know the OCD taking over here!) But the system works well and I can find the item I am looking for quickly....
.......Everything is buttoned up and beautiful! 

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