Thursday, August 15, 2013

Getting Ready for "The Girls"

We are getting ready to add three more "girls" to our family...but not the human kind. We are getting three laying hens. A family we know is moving and they can't take their chickens with them. We met the chickens a few nights ago and Abi is thrilled. One of them is named Claudia but the other two did not have names. Abi's mission for the past few days has been choosing the perfect names for the other two chickens. Yesterday she announced that she would name one of them Jemimah. This afternoon, while we were getting supplies to start the coop, she chose Esmeralda for the other one. Abi will be starting 4-H in September so this will be a perfect project for her to work on. We are under a bit of a time constraint and summertime is the season where there is not as much extra cash-flow so I had to figure out what we could use for a coop without the expense of purchasing a pre-made one. So I turned to my favorite ideas site, "Pinterest", and searched for chicken coop ideas. I found several that I liked and then happened on one that was made from a dog house. That got me thinking and I put an email out to my fellow homeschool moms asking if anyone had a dog house they were no longer using. With in a few minutes one of my dear friends emailed back offering a dog house that they were no longer using. One of the "Pinterest" articles mentioned getting some supplies from a local Habitat for Humanity resale store. We stopped by our local re-sale store today and found two gallons of paint for $5.00 each. The one gallon looked like a dark reddish brown and the other was white. Good enough for us. Well, when we got home, and I mixed up the darker color to paint the sides of the coop, we found a pleasant surprise. The color was not reddish brown but.................

For those who don't know, purple is my favorite color. Abi got right in on the action and helped paint the coop. Dan started the roof tonight but will finish it on Saturday morning. Hopefully we will have the pen done on Saturday and then it is just a matter of time until we bring home the "girls". 


Kristin said...

What a neat opportunity! Our neighbors have chickens and two came to visit us today in our yard. :-) We'd love to meet yours sometime, too!

Jodi-Marie said...

We will definitely have you up to meet the girls when we get them here. I am hoping to add one or two more once we get acclimated to keeping them. I have never held a chicken before but little Claudia really is a sweet thing.