Last week we started with Niccolini's Song by Chuck Wilcoxen. This is a cute story about a man named Niccolini who is a the night guard at the train yard. One night the trains are anxious and can't fall a sleep so Niccolini sings them to sleep with a song about "gentle hills, steady tailwinds, and feathers for freight." One night a mother with a restless baby walks down to the train yard and hears Niccolini singing. Will his song work on the restless child as well?

Wednesday's book was Belinda the Ballerina. Belinda really wants to be a ballerina but her feet are too big. Her dreams are dashed when at the annual ballet recital the judges refuse to let her dance because of her big feet. Dejected Belinda gets a job in a restaurant. One night there is a music group playing at the restaurant and Belinda's toes start tapping. Maybe she will be a dancer after all.

And last, was The Patchwork Quilt by Valerie Flournoy. This is a heartwarming story of a little girl, Tanya, who asks her elderly grandmother why she is making a new quilt because she already has one. Grandma explains that quilts tell a story of the whole family. She is adding small pieces she gets from all sorts of places. One day Grandma gets sick and can't work on the quilt so Mama and Tanya start to finish it. Read it to find out if the quilt gets finished. This was my pick of the week because of the strong sense of family ties. Abi's was Niccolini's Song- why? "Trains, Mom."
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