Saturday, January 3, 2015

Mother~Daughter Book Challenge

My daughter Britni extended a book reading challenge for 2015 and I accept!  Each year I attempt to do the "Read 52 books in 52 Weeks" challenge but with working and going back to school I need a more reachable challenge this year. Britni and I have agreed to stick to the following list to make our book selections this year. I am going to post a book review after each book I read. Any other mother/daughters that want to join us- feel free. Here's the list.

2015 Mother~Daughter Book Challenge

A book you've been meaning to read

A book published this year
A book in a genre you don't typically read
A book from your childhood
A book your mom loves
A book that was originally written in a different language
A book "everyone" has read but you
A book you chose because of the cover
A book by a favorite author
A book recommended by someone with great taste
A book you should have read in high school
A book that's currently on the best seller list

To follow Britni's challenge click on her picture in the side bar.  

My Journey Begins...........Again

Well....I see it has been since August since I last did a blog post..oh my! I have been up to several things that have kept me busy....1) I started working full-time in June and 2) I started going back to school in September. Lots of changes in 2014 but that is not the journey I am beginning again. This one is going to be difficult and I believe it will require accountability and transparency. Neither of which comes easy to me, I tend to keep personal things personal. Many of us make New Years resolutions only to feel guilty when our resolve isn't as strong as we had hoped. So I am not going to make any resolutions on my journey this year, only goals. So here goes....

My journey this year is going to document my weigh-loss.'s out. (Deep breath inserted here) I have struggled with my weight all my life in one way or another. I have lost weight only to regain it. Some of you know the cycle. There are several things I will be sharing on this journey, not just pounds lost, but books read, helpful tips I find, and recipes. 

Today I am going to share the method. As I said before I have been on this journey many times and have taken several different paths. For me, I have been most successful on Weight Watchers. That is the program I will be following. Yes, it does cost money. This year the budget will more than comfortably afford the monthly online fee, praise the Lord for that. There have been times when that has not been a comfortable budget expense but still one I felt was very worth it. In the past I have attended weekly meetings but this time around I am only going to use the online membership. In the past, I have always had a "buddy" doing the program with me. This time I will be going it alone. That is what will be one of the hardest parts, but if I am being transparent, necessary. I don't know where this particular path on this lifetime journey is going but as I write I am finding encouragement. Almost excitement. I say almost because I am not a risk taker by nature, in fact, status-quo is a synonym of security to me. I am not thrilled about being transparent either. I find it difficult to share my inner thoughts with anyone. 

I am hoping others who are headed on this type of journey will find encouragement. For those of you who have never had weight struggles, but have loved ones who do, maybe you will see a glimps of something that will help you better understand. 

So for today...the journey begins........